A process whereby an organisation uses the sublimity and the power of art, culture and creativity to upgrade itself

Corporate leaders must navigate a landscape with technology that is changing at light speed, a society that is on a turning point, and a disruptive economy that is challenging everybody. Skilled talent is hard to recruit and retain and the workforce is becoming more diverse. Due to social media, it’s getting harder to control brand image. Firms are looking for new ways to stimulate creative and innovative thinking.
More and more companies use art and culture to create authenticity, make new connections with customers or employees, boost creativity and innovation, and harness the prestige of art to improve their brand.
We also see that companies initiate transformation processes by entering into partnerships with cultural actors—transformation on a personal and interpersonal level and a strategic level.
Many young artists work at the interface between art and technology. Art becomes a research domain to question the possibilities and impact of technology on people and society.
Artists tend to think less conventional and have a sensorium for what is happening in society. They are used to question everything and to anticipate. While in business we go from point "a" to point "b", artist re-invent point "b".
Thanks to our experience and large network with artists, cultural institutions, and creatives, we can help you to do the right “thing” with art and culture.
Erwin Van den Brande - Artist & Founder Dual&Day